Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wiped out...

If I weren't in my fifties and celebate for, well, too long, I'd swear I was in my first tri-mester. I am wiped out. The kind of tired that fights the urge to pass out every moment I am not in motion. I fell asleep in Arabic class last night. I fell asleep again right in the middle of looking at housing options in Dubai on the internet with Melissa. The only thing I crave as much as sleep is coffee. My mind can't even go in circles. The kind of tired that comes in the first tri-mester. Too tired to blog. Sorry for the kind of post that will put you to sleep. But while you are at it, please log a few zzzzs for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Usually sleeping is a problem for you . . . Maybe you're finally catching up? Rest well and dream of happy times. Love you!