Friday, October 14, 2011

Next Chapter

Funny how your whole perspective on a place changes when you realize you can't take it for granted anymore.  The end of my long-term Abu Dhabi assignment is in reach.  I'll be returning home in 58 days.  Not that I'm counting or anything. (Post edit: um, guess it's more like 68 days.  I got ahead of myself)  My step is lighter, my mood has lifted.  I sing in the shower again (quietly of course).  And I am more purposeful about actually doing things than thinking "someday I should.,,."  I really hold out hope that I will get to come back for some shorter term assignments down the road: I have great friends here; know how to get around; understand how to cope with hot weather, and; am (finally) over the culture shock of living in this country. 

It's hard to imagine getting settled back into my home, with my friends and family nearer.  Having my dog back by my side.  And Buttercup to take me places.  As hard as the relocation has been, it has provided me with incredible opportunities to travel and put some wonderful new people in my life.  Arriving in a new life kicks the shit out of you as you have to relearn how to do everything and surrender to the unfamiliar.  Separated from friends and family by space and time (in A.D. we are 11 hours ahead and have different weekend days as well) forced me to deal with myself and God more directly.  That's not all a bad thing. 

Tonight we are having friends and co-workers over for a game night.  Melissa is whipping up good smelling things in the kitchen.  I am making appointments for pedicures and trying to decide on the timing of my nap and shower :)   It's a slow pace here with no garden to tend, no house cleaning or home repairs to do.  No blocks of time set aside for a hike or bike ride as during the day it is still too hot to do aerobic adventuring outdoors.  I know when I return there will be a part of me that will miss this lifestyle too.  Life's my novel and it's time to plan the next chapter. 

1 comment:

KelleyM said...

Amen, sister. We're doing some of that next chapter planning ourselves, and it's hard. Still don't know where it will take us, but trying to enjoy the process along the way!
