It's been a while since I've shared any pictures. Actually, I haven't taken very many. You have to be a little careful taking pictures around here, or if not careful, respectful. I haven't used my camera much, but I do remember every once in a while to use my iPhone camera. So, here, in no particular order, is an assortment from the last few weeks.
First, the first pretty sunset seen (usually it is too smoggy or I am inside when the sun goes down and I miss it).
Golden buildings on Palm Island, on route to Atlantis
Proving to Melissa that her work uniform is just fine (blue shirt with black pants) "See, it's everywhere"
And here is my new conservative office look
Strange a delicious new fruits to try. This one looks like it's from outer space.
Healthy lunch delivered. Around here even BurgerKing and Kentucky Fried Chicken deliveres on these little skooters. Don't worry. I've seen them but haven't ordered from. But this place, Al Saj, delivers a wonderful hot lunch with all these special little boxes. There's enough food for three full meals so it's quite the deal. Plus we never really know exactly what we are getting but it's always good.
Scenes from the German Pub before we had our evening at the Lebanese night club. These two blokes are from our ADM office. The one on the left I will share an office with.
Bad picture, sorry, from the back seat but this is a building! Just one of the many interesting ones around here.
Waiting for the bride and groom to arrive at the Atlantis wedding celebration.
Crisply made beds: what we get to come home to every other day. Everybody should have a Flora to take care of the place and spiff it up for you while at work.
Neat building beside the Ibn Batutta Mall in Dubai
The Ibn Batutta Mall (IBT) in Dubai is place, several sections designed for the developer's favorite parts of the world. We only got through half. Will go back to see China and other areas of the mall. Bellevue Square could take a few lessons.
Shaded parking at IBT mall
More of the shaded parking at IBT Mall
Inside IBT Mall (yes, it's indoors and airconditioned but doesn't feel like a mall at all)
ITB Ceiling
Another celing in IBT
1 week ago
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