Swirling a little in worry. What a waste of time. This week's sermon (I was too worried to show up in person. Thank God for e-casts) Good for my soul. Fed my soul on some fabulous leftovers. Breakfast in bed. A whole day in bed actually.
With a winged creature in my cup to encourage me.
Swirling with you. I'd like to be that winged creature in your cup. Love and hugs!
"Write yourself a happy ending" is the sign my sis, Julie, gave to me for my little cottage. I'm working on it...
In December, 2011, I returned to the States from an extended company assignment (eighteen months) to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emerits where I heloped our office get established. While there I met wonderful people, had some great adventures, fit in some travel to interesting places. Living in an Arabic country was a cultural challenge. I got used to it. Now I am adjusting back to normal. Whatever that is. This blog has a bit of everything: favorite things; musings; poetry; recipes; essay and DIY projects. Everything geared towards a Happy Ending (except the sad stuff too!)
Oh, and if you want to know where the pen-name comes from, you can find that here.
Swirling with you. I'd like to be that winged creature in your cup. Love and hugs!
oh shoot! A great neighbor surprised me with a latte she had made for me yesterday, and I forgot to look at the swirls.
Swirling over here in puking children. Not fun.
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