Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today was a quick shot down to LA and Back. Now I remember why I am not smitten with LA. However, the warm weather was nice, though I only experienced it for the few minutes I was outside the conference area, making phone calls. And when I stopped to take notice of my surroundings I realized I was surrounded by the most magnificent gardenia bush in bloom. There is no other scent to compare to a gardenia. Makes my mouth and eyes water. But the balance of the experience was spent driving with the masses under a smog filled sky or hanging out in LAX which is badly in need of a re-do. Familiar street names on the exit signs were memory jogging...(.."when the sun goes down on the SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD".... "I wanna glide down, over MULLHOLLAND"... "VENTURA HIGHWAY" in the sunshine, where the days are longer the nights are stronger than moonshine"....

Flying is always fun....not! But I was amused in the little bathroom. I think I was especially aware because I was remembering the part in "They Poured Fire On Us..." (discussed here) where one of the boys talks about his first experience on the plane and he can't figure out how to get out of the bathroom. He has to be coached from the other side on how to unlock it. So I'm thinking about that as I'm facing the door and notice this sign (shown above) and I wonder how many people have seen this and push the button to get a drink delivered to that little, private room. Talk about service! (The sign struck me as so amusing I had to take a picture. Only afterwards I wondered if anybody waiting outside could tell from the flash that I was taking pictures, and if so, what the heck did they think I was doing in there?)

The return flight was chock full. I had a window seat and got stuck beside this couple that had obviously recently hooked up. They appeared to be about my vintage and I'm guessing had met over the Internet. In addition to excessive snuggling and kissy-face they were teasing each other about their snoring episodes and were acting like it was cute: another clue that they were a new coupling. They had brought on a few meals and were actually feeding each other! And then towards the end she took her cell phone and held it up high and took a picture of themselves. Actually two: the first wasn't flattering enough. I saw that she saved it on her computer as "first flight." I wasn't the only one who was impacted by this spectacle. As I finally got to rise out of my seat when the aisle clearing got to our row, a woman nearby stopped to let me out saying something like "oh wait. You next. I bet you really need to get out!" and she winked at me. I just cracked up. Sorry folks. I don't think I'm ready for that kind of dating stuff. I can't imagine...

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