Friday, January 16, 2009

Snippets from Jubilee Reach

Snippets of conversation at Jubilee Reach Center this morning (initals have been changed to protect the innocent, God bless 'em)

C: (grinning) Sometimes (brother) and I take mom's feet and Dad takes her head and we carry her up the stairs because she gets so sleepy!

Me: Does this happen often?

C: She is very sleepy

Me: Does she wake up?

C: She is very sleepy

Me: Wow. That's very sleepy.


S: My mommy is going to have another baby.

Me: Are you excited?

S: We already have anough kids. But I like babies.

Me: Aren't you the baby now?

S: Mom says I will still be her baby. My aunt and uncle and cousins are living in our house. They had rats in their house so they have to live with us. We are moving in March.

Me: I would miss you if you moved in March.

S: Everyone would miss me if I moved. (and she is right. But I love that self esteem.)


Me: Let's see how many times I can get the hula hoop around. (attempts. Fails)

L: I think you are too big.

Me: I agree. I used to be really good. When I was your size.

L: Maybe you should try something else.

Me: Did anyone tell you how very smart you are?


(after the kids are dropped off)

Me: C's mommy is sleepy and has to be carried up the stairs by the kids and dad and S's mom is expecting another baby and the Aunt and Uncle have had to move in. They may be moving.

Volunteer M: We better say some prayers for our kids!

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